Turning Points From The Soul
invites participants to take seriously questions of purpose, meaning, and direction. These kinds of questions do not tend to emerge until people have achieved the goals of early adulthood, have had some degree of success and/ or some life crisis pushes them to reconsider their goals, their life vision, the purpose of their life.
I see my work as journeying with people as a supportive facilitator in their process of self- exploration. Through workshops and retreats to create space for participants to wrestle with and engage their emerging questions at this “turning point”. This may require remembering earlier turning points that were avoided or accepted. It may mean identifying learnings from critical turning points in the past that influenced their life direction. It may mean using the tools of solitude, dialogue and play to know yourself more fully
The What?
The How?
The WHere?
What is to be discovered and acknowledged?
Vision and Purpose
How is life speaking to
Process and Action
Where is your soul leading you?
Intentional Living
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending it turned into a butterfly."
As we moved through childhood, then adolescence, into adulthood we were being shaped by choices that at the time may or not have seemed critical or even important. In retrospect, some of those choices were turning points that set a direction for our life.
We created strategies to deal with losses/disappointments across a range of relationships. In reaction to emotional and/or physical trauma that threatened to overwhelm us we hid our wounds repressing our pain . Sometimes choices were made for us. We may have made major life choices based on someone else’s vision for our life. The future was understood through the lens of financial stability, familial status, and professional achievement.
You were successful, you survived. You overcame obstacles to be who you are today. You worked hard to get to a safe stable place. But now you may be asking, is this all that there is to life, safety and stability. You may be experiencing feelings of restlessness and confusion. You may feel like something intangible is missing. As you struggle with what is, you may be wondering what more is possible. I don’t want to keep being what I am doing. If not this, what? What do I do with the rest of my life? You are at a “turning point”.